Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra depends on the volunteer efforts of parents and community members to provide an opportunity for young musicians to discover the joy of making music. Tuition only covers 65% of the operations and the orchestra will not turn away qualified musicians in need. We gratefully acknowledge the donations and support of the following organizations so we can continue to provide this opportunity to everyone regardless of ability to pay.
One Call for All is an umbrella organization providing needed funding to more than 85 essential Bainbridge Island non-profits. Your donations benefit BIYO in funding for tuition scholarship, music, and community outreach concerts. Funds are raised through an annual island-wide mailing. Please mark Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra when you receive the One Call for All Red Envelope in your mailbox. In addition, every donor of at least $20 to BIYO will increase the percentage of undesignated funds received through One Call for All. OCFA charges no fees so the full amount of your donation is given to your island non-profit. The campaign is open September through August, 1 of the following year enabling donations to be made through the agency website and OCFA link well past the active Fall red envelope campaign. The City of Bainbridge Island Cultural Arts Funding Grant provided funding in support of collaborations with Bainbridge Ballet, Olympic Performance Group, String Festivals and Web site maintenance during the 2018/19 and 2019/20 seasons. The Kiwanis International Club of Bainbridge Island generously underwrote the commissioning project with Alan Lee Silva for the 2013-2014 season. The Bainbridge Community Foundation through their Community Grants Cycle provided funding for theater space rental in the 2022-2023 season. In addition a Capacity Building grant that same season allowed us to lay the groundwork for our Beginner Strings program. In the 2023-2024 season, BCF generously supported us with a grant to support our general operating expenses. BCF also provided grant funds to underwrite, in part, the commissioning project with Alan Lee Silva for the 2013-2014 season. DONATE NOW TO HELP SUPPORT BIYOEVERY GIFT TO THE BAINBRIDGE ISLAND YOUTH ORCHESTRA IS DEEPLY NEEDED AND APPRECIATED!
Your contributions make a difference!
The Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra is an independent non-profit organization complying with section 501(c)(3) of the IRS code. Our tax ID # is 31-1813412. Donations are gratefully accepted by donating through One Call For All or simply mailing to PO Box 10052, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110. |